These are full of goodness and have so many nutrients in them for your body!  They are packed with vitamins and minerals,  plus lots of health benefits from the cinnamon, linseeds and almonds.  They are also high in fibre, protein and phytonutrients.  They taste great too.  Do experiment to your taste …. by tweaking where you want.

1 cup grated carrot

1 cup grated apple

2 cups oats

One handful almonds (I soaked them over night in water and a bit of sea salt as makes them more digestible) (blitz to smaller pieces in a food chopper)

2 heaped dsp almond butter

2 dsp linseeds

1 dsp cinnamon

Pinch of sea salt

1 dsp stevia

1 dsp date molasses (if you want them sweeter you can add more or use 2 tsp if not using stevia.  You can use any other sweetener such honey, maple or agave syrup)

1 tsp organic olive oil (I think this helps to keep moist but have done without and was fine)

Handful of sultanas, raisins, mixed fruit or equivalent (dates work)

Sprinkle with pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds

Mix well in a bowl.  Spread onto a tray lined with greaseproof paper. Bake in the oven at Gas 160 for 20/25 or so minutes (keep an eye on them as you don’t want the fruit to burn). EASY!

Put on a tray or play to cool.  Cut into bars and enjoy!

NB – dsp = dessert spoon (I sadly do not have a table spoon!!)